Friday, 20 September 2013

JSA: The Return - Johnny Thunder

JSA: The Return - Wonder Woman

JSA: The Return

Justice Society of America: The Return

So I'm back, for a wee bit anyway!

Anyone who knows me knows that I am a huge fan of the original JSA.

Don't get me wrong, I buy Earth2 and World's Finest't...the JSA.

So anyway, I got thinking.

One of the main complaints from Dan Didio is that it is ridiculous having people in their 90s/100s still running around and, yes, the further away we get from WW2 the sillier it seems.

But there's a way around that: There was a story where Keystone (The GA Flash's home) gets trapped in a time bubble - why not put all the JSA there.

Make it that when they disappeared from the congressional hearing, they got trapped in Keystone by the Wizard, unaware that they were heroes while the rest of the world carried on oblivious.

You could put any GA hero you wanted there.

Anyway, the Wizard gets old, dies, whatever, and the spell weakens enough for people to remember and then you get: The Return.

Like Captain America, you just shift the return to 20 years before whatever the current year is. That way you could still have the Infinity Inc stories, Powergirl, Huntress, the oldest JSA will be around 60 - not old nowadays let alone for a superhero, and you could have a wealth of new stories: what happened to the villains? Has Keystone become some retro-themed city etc.

Anyway, in upcoming posts, I imagine what an ad campaign could look like prior to a series.

JSA: The Return.