Monday, 25 May 2009

Go go Gogo

From the dreamy sublime to the...
If you don't have a young child then you may not be aware of one of the latest crazes, that of Go-Goes. These little pieces of plastic have god knows how many in the collection and are a quid for 3.

One wet Sunday recently my daughter asked me to draw her Gogos, 6 at the time (and growing). I decided to put them in an Usual Suspects position for a giggle but it seems to work!

to dream the dream

So I promised to do some stuff based on Neil Gaiman's work. So I started off with the obvious - the one that really made his name - Morpheus: The Sandman.

If you have never read it then you are missing out! With 75 issues, one special and one annual, readers went to dreams, to Greece, from Heaven to Hell, a serial killers convention and a beach. I'm not putting it into adequate words, just trust me on this.

Thursday, 21 May 2009


Thanks to my incompetance, I didn't realise that comments were a tad difficult so I have enabled all comments (thanks Jo - my IT specialist ;) )

So feel free to comment and pass the word I exist!

Speaking of which I have a new follower TCov, don't know who or where you're from but welcome!


you're thor...

The God of Thunder Marvel style
I have always been interested in Norse mythology (along with most "northern" myths) and despite the cod-shakespeare language - oh thou dost verily etc - I liked the superhero version but the best imaging of him was Walter Simonson's incredible run in the '80s which hasn't imho been surpassed.

Tuesday, 12 May 2009

I am the law

Ole Stoney Face himself.

I was at Shepperton Studios as a runner when Stallone did his movie and although it wasn't brilliant I still enjoyed the experience of seeing megacity 1 on a big screen.

Here's hoping the new film carries over the essential humour of the script which was slashed by the studio who feared comparisons with Robocop(!)

Somewhere I still have an original script where Hershey is arrested for conduct unbecoming a judge after kissing Dredd at the end of the movie.

Speaking of Dredd, anyone know how to get past Judge Fear on the PS2 game? ;)

Saturday, 9 May 2009


Another quick sketch, this time of PG. A messed up history but another great character. Alas the designer of PG, Ric Estrada passed away recently so RIP Ric
A quick sketch of Blue Beetle. A fun character until Identity Crisis (sigh). At the moment I am listening to Jonathan Ross and Neil Gaiman is on. I adore his work and I must get round to posting some work based on his writing

Friday, 8 May 2009

Ah Judge Death, scourge of the living and Megacity 1. Originally drawn by Brian Bolland, he is as iconic as Old Stoney Face himself

Rebirths and deaths

So Hal Jordan came back and Barry Allen had resurfaced. When Crisis first came out I was around 14yrs old. Earths will live, Earths will die was the tagline. However, for those reading the deaths of Supergirl and Barry Allen were the shockers. Bizarrely I always felt that Barry's death was strangely low key but anyway here's the fastest man alive, erm, dying as he chases around the monitor's energy(?) bomb(?). Ach, been a while since I read it!

Spiderman, spiderman, etc... Thought I'd do Parker getting bitten by the radioactive spider. Spidey is fun to draw as you can get a larger degree of bendiness in the muscles.

Catty's about

A pic of Catwoman and her nemesis Batman. The pic took about two hours, blue-lined then inked with brush pen